  • 我的观影记录

  Revered as one of the greatest "cult" films of all time I recently saw it and most of my expectations were met. Steven Railsback plays a character named Cameron. A former Vietnam veteran and fugitive on the lam. At the begining of the film we see him being pursued by the police after he is spotted in a restaurant. Cameron while being chased accidentally stumbles onto a movie set where a World War I epic is being shot. After almost being killed by a stunt man on a bridge by a car Cameron picks up an object and throws it at the windshield of the vehicle causing it to swerve off the bridge and fall into a nearby river. A helicopter suddenly descends in front of Cameron. Inside it are the filmcrew documenting the bridge scene with it's director Eli Cross ( Peter O'Toole) starring at Cameron and what has happened. Cameron flees from the scene as the helicopter soars away. Eventually Eli Cross meets up with Cameron and convinces him to replace the stunt man or Cross will turn him into the police. Cameron has little choice. Thus begins the main characters harrowing journey.   The Stunt Man is a complex and multilayered film. It requires multiple viewings in order to catch all of the subtleties and nuances. As the film progresses we see Cameron placed into various stunt scenes, each one more dangerous than the last. Is Eli Cross trying to kill him? The film is a fascinating battle of psychological mind games. Cameron's perception of reality becomes skewed with the fantasy world of filmmaking as he becomes less able to distinguish until the final frame. We the viewer are also constantly confused as the film makes many unpredictable twists and turns with it's convoluted plot. Peter O'Toole is perfect as the flamboyant, megalomanical filmmaker. No one else could to the role justice and bring that much class to the part. Barbara Hershey is also good as the lead actress of Eli Cross' film who becomes romantically involved with Cameron. I have many favorite scenes from the movie. Especially the crash course in stunt work Cameron is given by the lead stunt man played by Chuck Bail, a real life former stunt man. Director Rush has seamlessly balanced pathos with humor to create a unique film of epic proportions. It is a film that the viewer must discipline oneself in order to watch.....but what a payoff.   译文(3): 被尊为最伟大的“;邪教;我最近看了有史以来的电影,我的大部分期望都得到了满足。史蒂文·雷斯巴克饰演一个名叫卡梅隆的角色。一名前越战老兵和在逃逃犯。在电影的开头,我们看到他在一家餐厅被发现后被警察追捕。卡梅隆在被追捕时,不小心撞到了一个正在拍摄第一次世界大战史诗的电影片场。卡梅伦在桥上差点被一名特技演员用汽车撞死后,捡起一个物体扔到汽车的挡风玻璃上,导致汽车突然从桥上掉下来,掉进附近的河里。一架直升机突然降落在卡梅伦面前。在里面,摄制组记录了大桥的场景,导演伊莱·克罗斯(彼得·奥图尔饰)主演了卡梅隆,以及发生了什么。直升机飞走时,卡梅隆逃离了现场。最终,伊莱·克罗斯与卡梅隆会面,说服他更换特技演员,否则克罗斯会把他交给警察。卡梅伦别无选择。主角们痛苦的旅程就这样开始了。


2024-05-31 13:31:16,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片时长:131 分钟


◎影片编剧:劳伦斯·B·马库斯 保罗·布罗德 理查德·拉什 

◎影片主演:彼得·奥图尔 史蒂夫·雷尔斯巴克 芭芭拉·赫希 格雷格·白尔杰 乔治·华莱士 艾伦·加菲尔德 弗兰克·比特森 阿历克斯·罗克 John Walter Adam Gordon Dee Chance 菲利普·布伦斯 詹姆斯·埃弗里 莎朗·法雷尔 Louis Whitey 帕特里夏·麦克弗森 John Larry 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 13:31:16


  Revered as one of the greatest "cult" films of all time I recently saw it and most of my expectations were met. Steven Railsback plays a character named Cameron. A former Vietnam veteran and fugitive on the lam. At the begining of the film we see him being pursued by the police after he is spotted in a restaurant. Cameron while being chased accidentally stumbles onto a movie set where a World War I epic is being shot. After almost being killed by a stunt man on a bridge by a car Cameron picks up an object and throws it at the windshield of the vehicle causing it to swerve off the bridge and fall into a nearby river. A helicopter suddenly descends in front of Cameron. Inside it are the filmcrew documenting the bridge scene with it's director Eli Cross ( Peter O'Toole) starring at Cameron and what has happened. Cameron flees from the scene as the helicopter soars away. Eventually Eli Cross meets up with Cameron and convinces him to replace the stunt man or Cross will turn him into the police. Cameron has little choice. Thus begins the main characters harrowing journey.

  The Stunt Man is a complex and multilayered film. It requires multiple viewings in order to catch all of the subtleties and nuances. As the film progresses we see Cameron placed into various stunt scenes, each one more dangerous than the last. Is Eli Cross trying to kill him? The film is a fascinating battle of psychological mind games. Cameron's perception of reality becomes skewed with the fantasy world of filmmaking as he becomes less able to distinguish until the final frame. We the viewer are also constantly confused as the film makes many unpredictable twists and turns with it's convoluted plot. Peter O'Toole is perfect as the flamboyant, megalomanical filmmaker. No one else could to the role justice and bring that much class to the part. Barbara Hershey is also good as the lead actress of Eli Cross' film who becomes romantically involved with Cameron. I have many favorite scenes from the movie. Especially the crash course in stunt work Cameron is given by the lead stunt man played by Chuck Bail, a real life former stunt man. Director Rush has seamlessly balanced pathos with humor to create a unique film of epic proportions. It is a film that the viewer must discipline oneself in order to watch.....but what a payoff.

  译文(3): 被尊为最伟大的“;邪教;我最近看了有史以来的电影,我的大部分期望都得到了满足。史蒂文·雷斯巴克饰演一个名叫卡梅隆的角色。一名前越战老兵和在逃逃犯。在电影的开头,我们看到他在一家餐厅被发现后被警察追捕。卡梅隆在被追捕时,不小心撞到了一个正在拍摄第一次世界大战史诗的电影片场。卡梅伦在桥上差点被一名特技演员用汽车撞死后,捡起一个物体扔到汽车的挡风玻璃上,导致汽车突然从桥上掉下来,掉进附近的河里。一架直升机突然降落在卡梅伦面前。在里面,摄制组记录了大桥的场景,导演伊莱·克罗斯(彼得·奥图尔饰)主演了卡梅隆,以及发生了什么。直升机飞走时,卡梅隆逃离了现场。最终,伊莱·克罗斯与卡梅隆会面,说服他更换特技演员,否则克罗斯会把他交给警察。卡梅伦别无选择。主角们痛苦的旅程就这样开始了。


  {飘花电影为您整理了电影《特技替身》的相关资讯,《特技替身》于美国上映,是一部由导演理查德·拉什 导演执导,劳伦斯·B·马库斯 保罗·布罗德 理查德·拉什 担任编剧,彼得·奥图尔 史蒂夫·雷尔斯巴克 芭芭拉·赫希 格雷格·白尔杰 乔治·华莱士 艾伦·加菲尔德 弗兰克·比特森 阿历克斯· 等演员精彩演绎的美国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上飘花电影(www.yubohr.com),本网站同时也提供《特技替身》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


