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杰克·爱瑞什 第二季

杰克·爱瑞什 第二季

  The bluebird of happiness has stopped warbling and Jack's life has hit a new low. His body broken from too many beatings, Linda has left him, the racing world is in turmoil, his local - the Prince of Prussia - may never be the same again, and Jack has returned to the law in the form of mundane conveyancing. That is, until he learns of foreign students at a disreputable private college dying in bizarre circumstances. After Eddie, a Chinese courier who was supposed to deliver a package for Jack three years ago, shows up dead, Jack can't help but get involved. Following the trail of Eddie's last movements, Jack discovers Eddie's friend, an Indian student named Lakshmi, committed suicide shortly before Eddie disappeared. They studied together at a private college where the facilities and level of education leave much to be desired. Digging deeper, Jack encounters the psychiatrist Lakshmi saw before her tragic death, Dr Rory Finch. As they both work to discover the truth behind the two deaths, a relationship brews between Jack and Rory. Jack's investigation unfolds an intricate web of lies leading all the way to India and back again, where he enlists Linda's help, still working overseas as a journalist and living with Orton. But every step Jack takes towards the truth threatens his world and his friends - from Harry and Cam in the racing game, to cabinetmaker Charlie Taub's granddaughter, Gus, to the Prince of Prussia run by Stan and his regular clientele, the Fitzroy Youth Club. Jack must keep his wits about him, or this quest for the truth may be his last.   译文(2): 幸福的青鸟停止了鸣叫,杰克的生活跌入了新的低谷。他的身体被殴打得支离破碎,琳达离开了他,赛车界陷入了混乱,他的本地人——普鲁士王子——可能再也不会像以前一样了,杰克以世俗的财产转让的形式回归了法律。直到他得知一所声名狼藉的私立大学的外国学生在离奇的情况下死去。三年前,一个叫 Eddie 的中国快递员本该给 Jack 送包裹,但是他死了,Jack 不得不参与进来。追踪埃迪最后的行踪,杰克发现埃迪的朋友,一个名叫拉克什米的印度学生,在埃迪失踪前不久自杀了。他们一起在一所私立大学学习,那里的设施和教育水平还有很多不尽如人意的地方。经过深入调查,杰克遇到了拉克希米在悲剧性死亡前见过的精神病医生罗里 · 芬奇。当他们都致力于寻找两起死亡背后的真相时,杰克和罗里之间的关系开始发展。杰克的调查揭示了一个错综复杂的谎言网络,一路通往印度,然后又回到印度,在那里他得到了琳达的帮助,仍然在海外作为一名记者工作,和奥尔顿一起生活。但是杰克向真相迈出的每一步都威胁着他的世界和他的朋友们——从赛车游戏中的哈里和卡姆,到橱柜制造商查理 · 陶布的孙女格斯,再到由斯坦和他的常客菲茨罗伊青年俱乐部经营的普鲁士王子。杰克必须保持头脑清醒,否则这次寻求真相可能是他最后一次了。


2024-05-31 13:06:52,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片名称:杰克·爱瑞什 第二季




◎影片导演:Mark Joffe 

◎影片编剧:安德鲁·奈特 Peter Temple Matt Cameron 安德鲁·阿纳斯塔西奥斯 伊丽丝·麦克雷迪 

◎影片主演:盖·皮尔斯 ‎玛尔塔·杜塞尔多普‎ 亚伦·佩德森 罗伊·比令 肖恩·雅克博森 凯特·阿特金森 达米安·理查德森 达米安·加维 约翰·弗劳思 特里·诺瑞斯 德波拉·梅尔曼 缇娅妮·库普兰 莉亚·范登堡 尼尔·梅尔维尔 Ron Falk 乔治·赵 Tom Gleeson Robert Menzies 萨钦·乔伯 约翰·布鲁普顿 斯蒂夫·莫察基斯 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 13:06:52


  The bluebird of happiness has stopped warbling and Jack's life has hit a new low. His body broken from too many beatings, Linda has left him, the racing world is in turmoil, his local - the Prince of Prussia - may never be the same again, and Jack has returned to the law in the form of mundane conveyancing. That is, until he learns of foreign students at a disreputable private college dying in bizarre circumstances. After Eddie, a Chinese courier who was supposed to deliver a package for Jack three years ago, shows up dead, Jack can't help but get involved. Following the trail of Eddie's last movements, Jack discovers Eddie's friend, an Indian student named Lakshmi, committed suicide shortly before Eddie disappeared. They studied together at a private college where the facilities and level of education leave much to be desired. Digging deeper, Jack encounters the psychiatrist Lakshmi saw before her tragic death, Dr Rory Finch. As they both work to discover the truth behind the two deaths, a relationship brews between Jack and Rory. Jack's investigation unfolds an intricate web of lies leading all the way to India and back again, where he enlists Linda's help, still working overseas as a journalist and living with Orton. But every step Jack takes towards the truth threatens his world and his friends - from Harry and Cam in the racing game, to cabinetmaker Charlie Taub's granddaughter, Gus, to the Prince of Prussia run by Stan and his regular clientele, the Fitzroy Youth Club. Jack must keep his wits about him, or this quest for the truth may be his last.

  译文(2): 幸福的青鸟停止了鸣叫,杰克的生活跌入了新的低谷。他的身体被殴打得支离破碎,琳达离开了他,赛车界陷入了混乱,他的本地人——普鲁士王子——可能再也不会像以前一样了,杰克以世俗的财产转让的形式回归了法律。直到他得知一所声名狼藉的私立大学的外国学生在离奇的情况下死去。三年前,一个叫 Eddie 的中国快递员本该给 Jack 送包裹,但是他死了,Jack 不得不参与进来。追踪埃迪最后的行踪,杰克发现埃迪的朋友,一个名叫拉克什米的印度学生,在埃迪失踪前不久自杀了。他们一起在一所私立大学学习,那里的设施和教育水平还有很多不尽如人意的地方。经过深入调查,杰克遇到了拉克希米在悲剧性死亡前见过的精神病医生罗里 · 芬奇。当他们都致力于寻找两起死亡背后的真相时,杰克和罗里之间的关系开始发展。杰克的调查揭示了一个错综复杂的谎言网络,一路通往印度,然后又回到印度,在那里他得到了琳达的帮助,仍然在海外作为一名记者工作,和奥尔顿一起生活。但是杰克向真相迈出的每一步都威胁着他的世界和他的朋友们——从赛车游戏中的哈里和卡姆,到橱柜制造商查理 · 陶布的孙女格斯,再到由斯坦和他的常客菲茨罗伊青年俱乐部经营的普鲁士王子。杰克必须保持头脑清醒,否则这次寻求真相可能是他最后一次了。


  {飘花电影为您整理了电视剧《杰克·爱瑞什 第二季》的相关资讯,《杰克·爱瑞什 第二季》于澳大利亚上映,是一部由导演Mark Joffe 导演执导,安德鲁·奈特 Peter Temple Matt Cameron 安德鲁·阿纳斯塔西奥斯 伊丽丝·麦克雷迪 担任编剧,盖·皮尔斯 ‎玛尔塔·杜塞尔多普‎ 亚伦·佩德森 罗伊·比令 肖恩·雅克博森 凯特·阿特金森 达米安·理查德森 达米安· 等演员精彩演绎的澳大利亚电视剧,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上飘花电影(www.yubohr.com),本网站同时也提供《杰克·爱瑞什 第二季》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


