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  France 1815   When Napoleon escapes from Elba, Sharpe is settled in Normandy with Lucille, but his sense of duty recalls him to the army, and he is promoted to Lt. Col. in the 5th (Belgian) Light Dragoons, under the command of William, Prince of Orange. Sharpe and Lucille head for Brussels where the Duke of Wellington is based, with Lord John Rossendale and Jane Sharpe nearby in the city.   Out on reconnaisance, Sharpe sees a mass of French soldiers. He and the Prince's chief of staff, Rebecque, try to discover if it is a feint prior to Napoleon attacking Mons. Sharpe believes the French are heading to Quatre Bras, to split the Allied and Prussian forces. With French forces gathering, Sharpe knows he must tell Wellington and interrupts him at the Duchess of Richmond's ball. After delivering his message, Sharpe heads for the front, rejoined by Sgt. Harper (retired) and riflemen Hagman.   After the battle at Quatre Bras, Sharpe and Harper are given their post, the farm at La Haie Sainte. Woefully undefended, the men there repulse attacks from the French in bloody combat. The Prince of Orange has made mistakes, ending in the senseless loss of life of good soldiers. Eventually, Sharpe has had enough of this.   Not only must Sharpe deal with incompetent orders from the Prince of Orange, that lead to slaughter, he confronts his wife's lover, Lord Rossendale, in the midst of battle. The film climaxes as Wellington's small army 'holds the line' against Napoleon's veteran Imperial Guard.   译文(3): 法国1815


2024-05-31 14:19:28,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片时长:101 分钟


◎影片编剧:伯纳德·康威尔 查尔斯·伍德 

◎影片主演:奥利弗·托拜厄斯 保罗·贝坦尼 尼尔·迪克森 杰森萨尔基 Shaughan 达拉·奥马利 Martin 珍·美露 Janek 休·弗拉瑟 埃里克斯·德尼索夫 约翰·塔姆斯 肖恩·宾 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 14:19:28


  France 1815

  When Napoleon escapes from Elba, Sharpe is settled in Normandy with Lucille, but his sense of duty recalls him to the army, and he is promoted to Lt. Col. in the 5th (Belgian) Light Dragoons, under the command of William, Prince of Orange. Sharpe and Lucille head for Brussels where the Duke of Wellington is based, with Lord John Rossendale and Jane Sharpe nearby in the city.

  Out on reconnaisance, Sharpe sees a mass of French soldiers. He and the Prince's chief of staff, Rebecque, try to discover if it is a feint prior to Napoleon attacking Mons. Sharpe believes the French are heading to Quatre Bras, to split the Allied and Prussian forces. With French forces gathering, Sharpe knows he must tell Wellington and interrupts him at the Duchess of Richmond's ball. After delivering his message, Sharpe heads for the front, rejoined by Sgt. Harper (retired) and riflemen Hagman.

  After the battle at Quatre Bras, Sharpe and Harper are given their post, the farm at La Haie Sainte. Woefully undefended, the men there repulse attacks from the French in bloody combat. The Prince of Orange has made mistakes, ending in the senseless loss of life of good soldiers. Eventually, Sharpe has had enough of this.

  Not only must Sharpe deal with incompetent orders from the Prince of Orange, that lead to slaughter, he confronts his wife's lover, Lord Rossendale, in the midst of battle. The film climaxes as Wellington's small army 'holds the line' against Napoleon's veteran Imperial Guard.

  译文(3): 法国1815


  {飘花电影为您整理了电影《沙普的滑铁卢》的相关资讯,《沙普的滑铁卢》于英国上映,是一部由导演汤姆·克雷格 导演执导,伯纳德·康威尔 查尔斯·伍德 担任编剧,奥利弗·托拜厄斯 保罗·贝坦尼 尼尔·迪克森 杰森萨尔基 Shaughan 达拉·奥马利 Martin 珍·美露 Jan 等演员精彩演绎的英国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上飘花电影(www.yubohr.com),本网站同时也提供《沙普的滑铁卢》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


