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  About the only thing kept in this film from Preston Sturges origianl story for "The Miracle of Morgan's Creek" is a girl that gets drunk, gets married, gets pregnant and doesn't even remember any of it. A major dirrerence is that "The Miracle of Morgan's Creek" was a classic comedy and "Rock-a-Bye Baby" isn't. This time out, Clayton Poole (Jerry Lewis) is a small town TV repairman who is still in love with his former hometown sweetheart, Carla Naples (Marilyn Maxwell), who is now a famous movie queen. When Carla becomes pregnant due to a hasty marriage in Mexico, which she has forgotten about, the studio tells her a baby will ruin her career so she turns to Clayton, the only person she can trust, and he agrees to care for the baby when it is born. Carla gives birth to triplets and Clayton finds he must get married before he can adopt them. He marries Sandy (Connie Stevens), Carla's younger sister who has always loved him. The press learns about Carla's triplets and she tells reporters she is secretly married to Clayton. Clayton, having rapidly gone from no wife and kids to two wives and three kids, goes into hiding. He returns after several months---nine to be exact for those old biddies who are counting---and learns that Sandy has given birth to quintuplets.   译文(2): 普雷斯顿 · 斯特奇斯的原创故事《摩根溪的奇迹》中唯一保留下来的就是一个女孩喝醉了,结婚了,怀孕了,却什么都不记得了。一个主要的原因是《摩根溪的奇迹》是一部经典喜剧,而《摇滚宝贝》不是。这一次,克莱顿 · 普尔(杰瑞 · 刘易斯饰)是一个小镇电视修理工,他仍然爱着他以前的家乡恋人,卡拉 · 那不勒斯(玛丽莲 · 麦克斯韦饰) ,她现在是一位著名的电影女王。当卡拉因为在墨西哥仓促结婚而怀孕时,工作室告诉她一个孩子会毁了她的事业,于是她求助于克莱顿——她唯一可以信任的人,克莱顿同意在孩子出生时照顾他。卡拉生了三胞胎,克莱顿发现他必须先结婚才能收养他们。他娶了桑迪(康妮史蒂文斯) ,卡拉的妹妹谁一直爱他。媒体了解到卡拉的三胞胎,她告诉记者,她秘密地与克莱顿结婚。克莱顿很快就从没有妻子和孩子变成了两个妻子和三个孩子,开始躲藏起来。几个月后,他回来了——对于那些正在数数的老妇人来说,确切地说是九个月——并且得知桑迪已经生了五胞胎。


2023-07-09 09:38:47,最后更新于 1年前


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◎影片时长:103 分钟


◎影片编剧:普莱斯顿·斯特奇斯 弗兰克·塔许林 

◎影片主演:杰瑞·刘易斯 玛丽莲·麦斯威尔 康妮·史蒂文斯 萨尔瓦托雷·巴卡洛尼 雷金纳德·加德纳 汉斯·康拉德 安麦克雷 艾达摩尔 凯茜·马洛 芭芭拉佩帕 斯纳卜·波拉德 Ned 迈克尔·罗斯 玛丽特琳 威尔·赖特 加里·刘易斯 尼克·卡斯特尔 Dickie 弗兰克·詹克斯 亚历克斯·格里 多萝西·阿伯特 霍普·埃默森 切斯特·康克林 汉克·曼 Joe 玛丽·福伦 富兰克林·法纳姆 伊索贝尔·埃尔索姆 詹姆斯·格利森 Joe Rudy 




◎更新时间:2023-07-09 09:38:47


  About the only thing kept in this film from Preston Sturges origianl story for "The Miracle of Morgan's Creek" is a girl that gets drunk, gets married, gets pregnant and doesn't even remember any of it. A major dirrerence is that "The Miracle of Morgan's Creek" was a classic comedy and "Rock-a-Bye Baby" isn't. This time out, Clayton Poole (Jerry Lewis) is a small town TV repairman who is still in love with his former hometown sweetheart, Carla Naples (Marilyn Maxwell), who is now a famous movie queen. When Carla becomes pregnant due to a hasty marriage in Mexico, which she has forgotten about, the studio tells her a baby will ruin her career so she turns to Clayton, the only person she can trust, and he agrees to care for the baby when it is born. Carla gives birth to triplets and Clayton finds he must get married before he can adopt them. He marries Sandy (Connie Stevens), Carla's younger sister who has always loved him. The press learns about Carla's triplets and she tells reporters she is secretly married to Clayton. Clayton, having rapidly gone from no wife and kids to two wives and three kids, goes into hiding. He returns after several months---nine to be exact for those old biddies who are counting---and learns that Sandy has given birth to quintuplets.

  译文(2): 普雷斯顿 · 斯特奇斯的原创故事《摩根溪的奇迹》中唯一保留下来的就是一个女孩喝醉了,结婚了,怀孕了,却什么都不记得了。一个主要的原因是《摩根溪的奇迹》是一部经典喜剧,而《摇滚宝贝》不是。这一次,克莱顿 · 普尔(杰瑞 · 刘易斯饰)是一个小镇电视修理工,他仍然爱着他以前的家乡恋人,卡拉 · 那不勒斯(玛丽莲 · 麦克斯韦饰) ,她现在是一位著名的电影女王。当卡拉因为在墨西哥仓促结婚而怀孕时,工作室告诉她一个孩子会毁了她的事业,于是她求助于克莱顿——她唯一可以信任的人,克莱顿同意在孩子出生时照顾他。卡拉生了三胞胎,克莱顿发现他必须先结婚才能收养他们。他娶了桑迪(康妮史蒂文斯) ,卡拉的妹妹谁一直爱他。媒体了解到卡拉的三胞胎,她告诉记者,她秘密地与克莱顿结婚。克莱顿很快就从没有妻子和孩子变成了两个妻子和三个孩子,开始躲藏起来。几个月后,他回来了——对于那些正在数数的老妇人来说,确切地说是九个月——并且得知桑迪已经生了五胞胎。


  {飘花电影为您整理了电影《糊涂活宝贝》的相关资讯,《糊涂活宝贝》于美国上映,是一部由导演弗兰克·塔许林 导演执导,普莱斯顿·斯特奇斯 弗兰克·塔许林 担任编剧,杰瑞·刘易斯 玛丽莲·麦斯威尔 康妮·史蒂文斯 萨尔瓦托雷·巴卡洛尼 雷金纳德·加德纳 汉斯·康拉德 安麦克雷 艾达摩尔 等演员精彩演绎的美国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上飘花电影(www.yubohr.com),本网站同时也提供《糊涂活宝贝》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


